Thursday, May 19, 2011


what is vietnam? is an official republic locaded in the Asia norhthwest
who lives there?  vietnam is a country wiht almost 163 million of habitans

why is vietnam an interesting place? vietnam is a very interesting place because it has many differents turistic places like 

The Temple of Literature


Dong Son Culture 

whre is vietnam?Vietnam occupies the eastern and southern part of the Indochinese peninsula in Southeast Asia, with the South China Sea along its entire coast. China is to the north and Laos and Cambodia are to the wes

when was vietnam founded? China ruled the nation then known as Nam Viet as a vassal state from 111 B.C. until the 15th century, an era of nationalistic expansion, when Cambodians were pushed out of the southern area of what is now Vietnam.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

whats the differences between 
the Whoopin crane & sandhill crane?

sandhill crane
Adults are gray overall; during breeding, the plunmange is usually much worn and stained, particularly in the migratory populations, and looks nearly ochre. 

Whoopin crane
s morphologically not reliably distinct and was never unequivocally accepted as valid subspecies.]The other can be somewhat more reliably distinguished in hand by measurements and plumage details, apart from the size differences already mentioned. 

About the two especies
The two southern U.S. resident populations are somewhat more distinct, while the Cuban population has been comparatively little studied but appears to have been established on the island for a long time. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Richard Pindell

About his life 
- he is a award-winning English professor
- Literature of War
-he  has become more theory based rather than thinking of the literature in terms of feelings and how it relates to life,”
- Pindell started teaching here in 1969, winning the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching from 1974 to 1975.