Thursday, July 7, 2011

What Is Adrenaline?

Adrenaline is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland in the body of many animals. When it is produced in the body it stimulates the heart-rate, contracts blood vassel dilates air passages, and has a number of more minor effects. Adrenaline is naturally produced in high-stress or physically exhilarating situations.

how it works on our body?
When we feel threatened our bodies react by releasing stress hormones. Adrenaline and cortisol flood the body in order to get the heart going and boost energy levels. Once the crisis has passed we start to recover. The problem we have today is the fact that this fairly primitive mechanism is no match for the long-term stresses we endure as a result of modern life.

a person adrenaline experience!!!

Post 156
I was involved in a few dangerous situations in which i naturally used adrenaline to keep myself alive. Ever since I've tried to replicate it and I've done it successfully with concentration. I've also learned to dilate my pupils on command. You need to rethink possible.